2660 NC Hwy 210 East Suite 103 Hampstead, NC 28443

Current Patients 910-541-2155

New Patients 910-335-4392

Dental Implant Process Hampstead, NC

Unlike other tooth replacement solutions, our dental implant process in Hampstead, NC, provides a permanent and natural-looking tooth replacement solution. Dr. Lauren Francis and Dr. Rawley Fuller offer several types of implant solutions to accommodate varying levels of tooth loss. However, receiving an implant-supported restoration is essentially the same, no matter which type you need.

dental implant process in Hampstead, NC

The Dental Implant Process

To get dental implants, you will undergo an intricate process involving several steps and dentist appointments. The dental implant process in Hampstead, NC includes the following steps.

Initial Consultation and Assessment

During this crucial phase, Dr. Francis or Dr. Fuller will evaluate your oral health, taking into account factors such as jawbone density, gum health, and any pre-existing dental issues. We will also review your medical history to ensure you can undergo implant placement. This comprehensive examination allows your dentist to determine your suitability for dental implants and formulate a treatment plan to meet your unique needs.

To plan out your dental implant treatment, Dr. Francis or Dr. Fuller will need to use diagnostic images to get a better view of your mouth. We may recommend X-rays or CT scans to gain insight into the structure and density of your jawbone. This will help Dr. Francis or Dr. Fuller identify potential challenges or areas of concern. Some patients lack bone density and must undergo a bone graft to ensure a successful implantation.

The Implant Placement Procedure

Dental implant surgery is performed under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Your dentist will create a small incision to expose the bone in the gums. The dentist will use precise techniques and specialized tools to make a small hole in the jawbone. Then, they will insert the titanium dental implant.

After your dental implants are in place, a crucial healing phase will occur. Depending on the type of implants you are receiving, you may need a protective cover or healing abutment. Osseointegration will occur, where the implants fuse to the surrounding jawbone. This integration process can take several months, ensuring a strong and stable foundation for the implant.

Abutment and Dental Restoration Placement

Once the osseointegration process is complete and the implant has successfully fused with the jawbone, the next step is to attach the abutments and dental restoration. An abutment is a small connector piece that Dr. Francis or Dr. Fuller secures to the implants. It serves as the foundation for the permanent dental crown, denture, or bridge.

Once the abutments are in place, we will take dental impressions of your mouth. A dental lab will use them to custom-design a dental restoration. They will meticulously craft your new tooth or teeth to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth.

When the lab returns your permanent dental restoration, Dr. Francis or Dr. Fuller will carefully place it onto the abutment, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit. This final step completes the dental implant process, restoring your smile and ability to speak, chew, and smile with confidence.

Learn more about dental implants:

Book your Dental Implant Consultation Today

To find out if you qualify for dental implants and to learn more about the dental implant process in Hampstead, NC, schedule an appointment with Dr. Francis or Dr. Fuller. You can reach our office at 910-335-4392 or you can request an appointment online.