Millions of people around the world live with diabetes, a condition in which the body cannot regulate the production of insulin. This hormone works to keep the sugar content of the blood balanced. If you have too much or too little sugar in the blood, this can disrupt many bodily functions.
What many people do not realize is that diabetes can impact oral health too, especially the gums. This connective tissue keeps the teeth firmly secure in the mouth. So if you develop periodontal disease or another gum problem, you could face serious consequences for the look and feel of your smile.
Diabetes and gum disease can affect one another significantly. So you will need to work with your dentist and your doctor to manage both of these diseases. Read on to learn more about gum disease and diabetes to feel more encouraged to maintain control over these conditions.
How Does Gum Disease Impact Diabetes?
Did you know that gum disease can affect your ability to manage diabetes? Periodontal disease is a type of infection within the gum tissue that develops when natural oral bacteria reach this tissue and start to eat away at it.
In the wake of this damage, the tissue becomes inflamed. You can see swelling, redness, bleeding, and tenderness in the gums at this early stage of gum disease. But inflammation in the gums will trigger a response that affects your entire body.
The inflammatory response can heighten the blood sugar, among other changes in your body. And if you already struggle with managing diabetes, you could see serious medical risks.
Gum disease does not go away on its own. So if you notice changes in your gums, seek treatment for this gum infection as soon as you can to avoid other health concerns.
How Does Diabetes Affect Periodontal Health?
While gum disease and oral infections can impact diabetes, the inverse also proves true. Patients with diabetes can face a higher chance of contracting gum disease.
This is because high blood sugar can increase the levels of glucose in the saliva too. This extra sugar in the mouth will cling to the teeth, contributing to the formation of plaque, a sticky substance that naturally forms on the surface of the teeth.
You remove plaque when you brush and floss your teeth. But if you form extra plaque, oral bacteria can spread with greater ease and can reach the gums more quickly. Then you will have to deal with this gum infection and the damage it can do to your smile.
If you manage diabetes, then you can reduce this danger to your periodontal health. Patients with diabetes might need more than the usual oral hygiene efforts to maintain healthy gums.
Talk to your dentist about preventive care for your gums and the rest of your smile at your next regularly scheduled dental check-up. They can offer you advice to manage health conditions and your dental needs to preserve the look and feel of your smile.